Build a Studio. Record Your Music...

We utilize only high quality materials with special attention given to aesthetic and modern design.
Contact us and we can make you anything you want.

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Build a Studio. Record Your Music...

We utilize only high quality materials with special attention given to aesthetic and modern design.
Contact us and we can make you anything you want.

contact us

Build a Studio. Record Your Music...

We utilize only high quality materials with special attention given to aesthetic and modern design.
Contact us and we can make you anything you want.

contact us

Choose your model

"E-wing" table for professional studios

"Base" table for home studios


Modular system design allows you to setup how you choose and expand as your Studio grows.


All your gear is on the right place, making your workflow faster and more creative.

Quality and Design

We only utilize high quality materials with special attention given to aesthetic and modern design.

CUSTOMER SERVICE: +972-53-3310955